AntiNex Core Worker - API Reference

Splunk Environment Variables

This repository uses the Spylunking logger that supports publishing logs to Splunk over the authenticated HEC REST API. You can set these environment variables to publish to Splunk:

export SPLUNK_ADDRESS="<splunk address host:port>"
export SPLUNK_API_ADDRESS="<splunk api address host:port>"
export SPLUNK_USER="<splunk username for login>"
export SPLUNK_PASSWORD="<splunk password for login>"
export SPLUNK_TOKEN="<Optional - username and password will login or you can use a pre-existing splunk token>"
export SPLUNK_INDEX="<splunk index>"
export SPLUNK_QUEUE_SIZE="<num msgs allowed in queue - 0=infinite>"
export SPLUNK_RETRY_COUNT="<attempts per log to retry publishing>"
export SPLUNK_RETRY_BACKOFF="<cooldown in seconds per failed POST>"
export SPLUNK_SLEEP_INTERVAL="<sleep in seconds per batch>"
export SPLUNK_SOURCE="<splunk source>"
export SPLUNK_SOURCETYPE="<splunk sourcetype>"
export SPLUNK_TIMEOUT="<timeout in seconds>"
export SPLUNK_DEBUG="<1 enable debug|0 off - very verbose logging in the Splunk Publishers>"

Celery Worker

Here is the Celery Worker’s source code.

Process Consumed Messages From the Queues

The processor class processes any messages the worker consumes from the queue.

Send Results to the Broker

This method is responsible for publishing what the core’s results were from the processed job.


The results must be sent back as a JSON dictionary for the REST API’s Celery Workers to handle.