
Standalone Processing Examples

Using Scaler Train and Test Helper

Train a DNN using the Scaler-Normalized AntiNex Django Dataset. This builds the train and test datasets using the method from the internal modules.

Using Manual Scaler Objects

Train a DNN using the Scaler-Normalized AntiNex Django Dataset. This builds the train and test datasets manually to verify the process before editing the method.

antinex_core.scripts.standalone_scaler_django.build_model(num_features, loss, optimizer, metrics)[source]

Build the Keras Deep Neural Network Model

  • num_features – number of features
  • loss – loss function to apply
  • optimizer – optimizer to use
  • metrics – list of metrics

Build a scaler-normalized dataset and then build a deep neural network for training and predictions

Parameters:name – name for the dnn

Convert Bottom Rows from a CSV File into JSON

When testing live DNN predictions you can use this utility script to print a few JSON-ready dictionaries out to stdout.

Usage: -f <CSV File> -b <Optional - number of rows from the bottom>

S3 Testing

Run this script to verify S3 is working.

Set Environment Variables

Set these as needed for your S3 deployment

export S3_ACCESS_KEY=<access key>
export S3_SECRET_KEY=<secret key>
export S3_REGION_NAME=<region name: us-east-1>
export S3_ADDRESS=<S3 endpoint address host:port like: minio-service:9000>
export S3_UPLOAD_FILE=<path to file to upload>
export S3_BUCKET=<bucket name - s3-verification-tests default>
export S3_BUCKET_KEY=<bucket key name - s3-worked-on-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S default>
export S3_SECURE=<use ssl '1', disable with '0' which is the default>

Run S3 Verification Test

Run the included S3 verification script:

S3 verification tool


Run the S3 verification test